Backstage Pass to North Dakota History

This blog takes you behind the scenes of the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Get a glimpse at a day-in-the-life of the staff, volunteers, and partners who make it all possible. Discover what it takes to preserve North Dakota's natural and cultural history.

4 Little-Known Facts About the USS North Dakota and its Silver Service

On Jan. 7, the punch bowl from the USS North Dakota silver service took its biannual journey to the state Capitol for the reception marking the opening of the 2025-27 legislative session. The punch bowl is part of a 40-piece serving set that citizens of North Dakota gifted to the state’s namesake battleship in 1915. Every two years, reception attendees can enjoy punch from the silver bowl that the Grand Forks Herald once noted was “as large as a small sized bathtub.”

The USS North Dakota Silver Service punch bowl sits on a table in front of the State Seal.

Punch bowl at the opening of the 2025-27 North Dakota legislative session. SHSND 2893.1

Here are some interesting things I learned about the USS North Dakota and its silver service while preparing the punch bowl for the big day.

1. There almost wasn’t a USS North Dakota.

When the U.S. Navy announced contracts for two new battleships in 1907, the names under consideration were the Delaware and either the Utah or the North Dakota. That fall the Navy Department announced that the second ship would not be named after a western state. Instead, it would be named the New York. Political action by Sen. Henry Hansbrough of North Dakota and intervention by President Theodore Roosevelt changed the Navy’s decision, and the new battleships became the USS North Dakota and the USS Delaware.

Newspaper clipping that reads RESPONDED TO HANSBROUGH PLEA - PRESIDENT OVERRULED PROTEST AT SENATOR'S REQUEST. - Senior U.S. Senator Secured the Great Honor for North Dakota in the Battleship Controversy-Allegiance to State, or Which He is Adopted Son.

The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, Oct. 3, 1907, p. 1

2. Special punch cups were made, but the state collection only has one.

After the battleship’s name was secured, planning started in North Dakota to prepare a silver service for the vessel. Gov. John Burke appointed a nine-person committee to spearhead the long-standing tradition of sponsor states gifting presentation silver to American ships. The Silver Service Committee consisted of three former North Dakota governors, a U.S. senator, state legislators, and businessmen. The committee solicited $16,000 in private donations for the silver set. In addition to the 24 punch cups presented as part of the 40-piece set, nine extra cups were made for the committee members. Each was engraved with the member’s name. The original 24 cups are safe in the museum collection. But we only hold one of the nine specially engraved cups. The family of Roger Allin, a Silver Service Committee member, donated his punch cup in 1991. Maybe someone out there can help us find the others!

USS North Dakota Silver Service punch cup. The emblem on the cup is of an eagle sitting on top of a bundle of wheat with an anchor coming out the bottom and a ship wheel behind the eagle.

This punch cup is engraved with the name of the “Hon. Roger Allin.” Allin was governor of North Dakota from 1895-1897 and a member of the Silver Service Committee. SHSND 1995.35.1

3. Bison appear on (almost) every piece of the silver service.

The Silver Service Committee selected designs created by Fargoans Hans Klimmek and Lilla Lorshbough for the silver service. The Gorham Manufacturing Company of Rhode Island produced the silver service using Klimmek and Lorshbough’s sketches and input from the company’s artist, William Codman. Symbols such as anchors, seashells, and stylized dolphins represent the Navy, while North Dakota is honored through prairie roses, corn, wheat, and bison motifs. The bison heads are prominent on the sides of the punch bowl but look at the table’s feet or the handle on the coffee urn!

A bison hoof shaped table leg bottom

Bison-shaped feet support the serving table. SHSND 2893.3

USS North Dakota Silver Service coffee urn with a bison head on the handle

Bison head on the handle of the coffee urn. SHSND 2893.7.1

4. The State Archives holds cool photos and records from the USS North Dakota.

To delve deeper into the life of a service member on the battleship, check out this collection on our Photobook website. You can also visit the State Archives and learn more about other North Dakota naval namesakes.

View pieces of the USS North Dakota silver service on exhibit at the North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum.

An exhibit display of USS North Dakota Silver Service items. The case bases and wall behind are blue, and an image of the USS North Dakota ship is on the wall behind

The silver service on exhibit at the ND Heritage Center & State Museum in Bismarck. SHSND 2893

The Business of Buttons: Developing Interpretive Programs at the Pembina State Museum

While researching fur trade material culture to develop new programming and interpretation for the Pembina State Museum, I occasionally latch on to smaller details. The past few weeks I’ve been focused on the history of buttons, something most of us rarely think about. But during the 17th and 18th centuries, buttons were big business. Buttons feature prominently in collections from fur trading sites, including at Pembina. Buttons are part of our “Red River Rendezvous” program and will also be showcased in a gallery interactive currently in development.

My fascination with buttons as fur trade material culture comes from my personal experience wearing historical garments at reenactments. Today, if a shirt loses a button, we may choose to get rid of it rather than fix it. Sewing buttons isn’t as common as it once was. At reenactments and living history events, I and many of my colleagues have found buttons to be an omnipresent concern. I have lost at least one button from a coat or trousers at every event I’ve attended. Most reenactors will say the same. Given this frequency, I have learned how to quickly reattach a button between public demonstrations. I rarely read in journals from fur traders or frontier soldiers about losing or sewing buttons, but my experience with historical garments makes me think that it was so commonplace as to not be considered worth mentioning.

Many artifacts including buttons, pottery, etc. sit on a tan cloth in a tray

Artifacts, including dozens of buttons, collected from the Fort Pembina trading post site.

The history of buttons and button manufacturing speaks to their importance. In England, where most of the fur trade buttons for the Pembina region were made, laws were passed in 1699 and 1721 to protect the domestic button industry. Many of the firms listed on fur trade receipts were founded in the 18th century. Several new developments in button manufacturing were also made at the same time. Stamped two-piece buttons and brass gilding were both developed in the mid-18th century. Hundreds of millions of buttons were made every year in the manufacturing centers of England, France, and Italy. The Hudson’s Bay Company and the North West Company each ordered tens of thousands of buttons to be shipped to North America and sold to Indigenous customers. In Europe, buttons were practical fasteners of garments. However, for the Indigenous consumer, buttons were adornments for traditional garments meant to enhance the prestige of the wearer.

Portrait painting of Tchon-su-mons-ka by George Catlin. She has very long dark hair, dark skin, and is wearing a dress with many embellishments on the top

In this 1832 painting by George Catlin, Tchón-su-móns-ka, Lakota wife of fur trader François Chardon, wears a shawl festooned with brass gilt buttons. Smithsonian American Art Museum

The value of buttons as trade goods lasted from the 17th through the early 20th century. The “Red River Rendezvous” program interprets the value of different trade goods through the lenses of various local groups and their specific needs during the early fur trade period at Pembina. The new interactive elements that I’m working on for visitors in the museum gallery interprets value based on historical costs. The interactive will consist of a scale. On one side visitors can place weights representing beaver furs or pemmican and on the other side weights representing a variety of purchased trade goods. Guests can press a button to see whether their trade is “balanced.” If it isn’t, the scale will tip, dumping the weights back into containers.

By determining the historical prices of items found mostly in fur trade ledgers and journals, the value can be translated into weight as a proportion of their monetary value, with the value of one beaver fur or pemmican pack set at 1 kilogram. I’ve chosen metric measurements to better fine-tune the weights of different items using grams. This leaves some things a bit too heavy. In 1802, a guide in Alexander Henry the Younger’s brigade recorded being paid an annual salary of £15. Compared to the price of a beaver pelt for that same year that would make the weight representing his wages 16.5 kilograms, or about 36 pounds, which is more than a visitor should be expected to lift. A simple solution is to represent the monthly wage instead, which would be £1 and 5 shillings, or a more manageable weight of about 3 pounds. More reworking, as well as designing and prototyping, are required before the interactive is finished. We plan to have it ready by this summer. In the meantime, my fascination with buttons has yielded an enhancement to the “Red River Rendezvous” program.

A man in a blue and tan plaid button up shirt with dark facial hair and glasses is sewing buttons onto a piece of paper

Here, the author puts skills learned while wearing historical garments to work.

Three different sets of buttons are shown sewn onto three separate pieces of paper.

These buttons sewn to hand-drawn cards represent a small but important improvement to the “Red River Rendezvous” program, which resulted from ongoing research for a new interactive element at the Pembina State Museum.

Prior to beginning research for our new interactive, the buttons for the “Red River Rendezvous” were left in loose piles for children to handle. This often meant that the kids, when instructed to buy buttons, would trade for a single button rather than enough to complete a garment. While this offered an opportunity to talk about the historical uses and importance of buttons, our new authentic packaging helps demonstrate the typical quantity of goods directly traded. As in the past, buttons come attached to a card today. While working on the interactive, I took care to attach our buttons to cards with simple hand-drawn labels. This may seem like a trifling detail, but every improvement to the authenticity of the items used in our programs improves the interpretation and creates a more authentic experience. With each new piece of information, existing and new programs become better and better. No detail is too small.

Three different sets of buttons are shown sewn onto three separate pieces of paper.

Our new button cards pictured with the other sewing items in the “Red River Rendezvous” program are now on display for visitors to interact with at the Pembina State Museum. To schedule a tour or an interpretive program, contact us at

Join the State Archives on a Proactive Collecting Journey!

The State Archives recently developed a proactive collecting survey because we want public input on what types of documents we should collect. This feedback tells us what topics or events people are interested in for research, genealogy, teaching, general information, entertainment, enjoyment, and other purposes. With this information, we can better describe and highlight those themes in our existing collections and actively seek representation through new items that document those topics.

Row of existing manuscript collections at the State Archives.

Opening the doors to public input is now the norm across the field of archives, but it hasn’t always been that way. There are many reasons why proactive collecting can be difficult for archives. First, we can only collect what has been created. While we may want documentation of an event, person, or topic, that documentation may simply not exist. On the other hand, since we do not know every single document that has ever been created, we hold onto the hope that important historical records do exist and may someday be found, identified, and donated. At the State Archives, we are continuously surprised about the documents and collections people do have and donate to us; this keeps the hope alive that amazing collections are out there and will continue to trickle in.

There are other reasons why proactive collecting can be challenging. A lot of people are unfamiliar with archives and have no idea that we are here or even that we want more documents. Trust me, if it is about North Dakota or its people, we do! It often takes a generation (or more) for items to be donated because the creators or owners want to regularly use or see the documents. To alleviate any concerns, we try to emphasize that anyone can come into the Reading Room at any time during our open hours to view or use these items. We have reference staff who can help with remote access as well. These services apply to the original owner but also expand access to a broader base of researchers and the public.

People typically think about donating their papers during a major life change or transition, such as downsizing, death, or retirement, which means that documents don’t arrive to the archives until long after their creation date. Since archival material can deteriorate from environmental factors, emergencies, format obsolescence, deletion, etc., that means unfortunately, some historic materials simply don’t live long enough to make it into an archive. Proactively collecting documents into the archives for proper storage and care helps preserve more North Dakota history for future generations.

Sometimes collections do not make it into archives because it can be more lucrative to sell online instead of donating. However, the concept of value is different for archives: For us, a document’s worth is based on its research value and relationship to our collecting scope. Think in terms of intrinsic and historical or informational value versus monetary value. With that being said, we rely on donations of collections because we cannot compete with buyers on the free market.

Valuable contemporary documentation of life is often discarded, deleted, or overlooked because of the misconception that we only want “old stuff.” It is true that we have a lot of “old stuff” in our archives, and this is a primary reason for proactive collecting in the State Archives. Since documentation of modern life in our collection is lacking, we are putting a call out for records of everyday life in North Dakota today (and for the last 50 years). Related to the “old stuff” misconception is that we want everything that is old. Most of us at the archives are history buffs and greatly appreciate historical documents and “old stuff.” However, we remain committed to collecting within our scope, which dictates that items must represent North Dakota or its people to be included in the State Archives’ collections.

While we archivists have a good grasp of what we have in our collections, it is critical to have fresh perspectives on what we should focus on and proactively collect. History is the sum of a myriad of different voices, lives, and identities. With that in mind, we want the collections of the State Archives to represent the broadest possible spectrum of experiences. To achieve this goal, we need that same breadth of thoughtful responses to the question of what we should collect. Please help us to achieve this and grow by filling out this survey and contributing to the proactive collecting conversation.


Lifecycle of a New Collection at the State Archives

1. Materials arrive at the State Archives.

2. Archivists assess and sort the collection.

3. Archivists organize documents into boxes and folders and enter collection information into our database.

4. Collection lives in temperature- and humidity-controlled storage until it is pulled for use by staff or researchers.

5. On-site researchers can access collections at the State Archives Reading Room. Reference staff are available to assist remote researchers.

Adventures in Archaeology Collections: The Fort Abraham Lincoln Lab Project

In the archaeology collections, we are preparing for the upcoming North Dakota Military Gallery expansion at the ND Heritage Center & State Museum in Bismarck. Much of our current work involves identifying what is in these collections so those planning the exhibits have an idea of what is available.

Volunteers are helping inventory the contents of artifact boxes from Fort Abraham Lincoln, now a state park. These artifacts are from projects in the 1980s and 1990s when some of the fort buildings were reconstructed. With more than 80 boxes of artifacts, this will take some time.

Just a small portion of the Fort Abraham Lincoln collection.

Thank goodness the boxes are labeled! However, the old labels sometimes leave us with more questions than answers, such as what kinds of artifacts and materials are in the box. This project is helping us answer those and other questions. Ultimately, the labels will be improved so that it will be easier to locate the artifacts for exhibits and research.

The old box labels left much to the imagination.

A mock-up of a new box label. These will include more detailed information about what is in each container.

Because these excavations are from the sites of original fort structures, it isn’t surprising that most of the contents are building materials, including many bags of plaster, brick fragments, wood, and nails. While some may not be “exhibit quality”—items likely to go on display—these elements are part of the original fort buildings.

Brick and mortar fragments from Fort Abraham Lincoln. SHSND AHP 89.340.2960

Wood from Fort Abraham Lincoln. SHSND AHP 89.340.1098

Pieces of glass are also frequent. Some are shards of flat glass from windows. Others are fragments from bottles.

A bag with two curved brown glass shards likely from a bottle. SHSND AHP 89.340.1334

Here are a few of the other artifacts found so far. Another volunteer is helping us photograph select artifacts. These photos will also be used to help locate and identify artifacts for future exhibits and research as well as for posters, projects, and blog posts like this one.

These military buttons (top) as well as this .38-caliber bullet and percussion cap (bottom) all came from the central barracks at Fort Abraham Lincoln. SHSND AHP 92.118.547, .564-.565; 92.118.649, .695

Many thanks to the volunteers who make this work possible! Your dedication is appreciated.

Remembering ND Appreciation Week: An Early 20th-Century Booster Effort Reverberates Today

This week 109 years ago, a variety of forces joined together for what promised to be the “greatest publicity ever secured by any commonwealth since Noah built the ark.” In a proclamation, Gov. Louis Hanna declared Nov. 14-20, 1915, “North Dakota Appreciation Week.” Dreamed up by the North Dakota Press Association, the booster effort was aimed at encouraging migration to a state the Bismarck Daily Tribune breathlessly dubbed “an empire in the making.”

Newspaper clipping that reads the following. North Dakota This Week is Appreciating Itself. North Dakota is spending this week in an effort to appreciate itself—to appreciate its resources and its opportunities. Appreciation Week, as it is styled under a proclamation by Gov. L. B. Hanna, is the creature of the North Dakota Press Association, and Edgar Richter, president of that organization, is state manager of the week's program. North Dakota has exceptional business prospects; it has produced one of its most wonderful crops, again leading all states in the production of spring wheat, with over 142,000,000 bushels of that grain conceded by the most recent crop report of the government, says Mr. Richter. North Dakota has 17,000,000 acres of land open to homestead entry, or which is for sale by private owners to prospective home makers. The populating of these lands is the greatest problem confronting the state, and once this is accomplished, the state will assume a more important industrial position. That any immigration movement, to be successful, must have the wholehearted support of all the people of the state, is the theory recognized in the appreciation week scheme. It has for its object the acquainting of all Dakotans with what their state has to offer. Once this is accomplished, and all the people are boosting for their state, results will come. Appreciation Week is being observed by commercial clubs, schools, churches and, in fact, every sort of interest in the state.

The colorful Edgar Richter, head of the North Dakota Press Association, was a tireless advocate for the state. Bismarck Daily Tribune, Nov. 18, 1915, p. 1

Every “loyal North Dakotan” was to do their part. Residents were urged to write letters to friends elsewhere praising the advantages of life here. Farmers were to pen testimonials on the state’s agricultural yield. Schools were to impress upon students the benefits that awaited “industrious, thrifty, and upright citizens” of North Dakota, with gold prizes offered to those who submitted the best essays extolling its appeal.

Newspaper clipping that reads the following. NORTH DAKOTA BOOSTER CAMPAIGN. Week of Nov. 14 to 20 pill be Booster Week for North Dakota. Every county in the state will co-operate in the plan of making known abroad the resources and opportunities to be found in North Dakota for new comers to the state. STUTSMAN COUNTY. Stutsman County will make a showing of its splendid opportunities. Full particulars of the plan are printed elsewhere in this issue under the caption North Dakota Appreciation Week. The Jamestown Alert will Issue a special edition containing facts about Stutsman County and North Dakota, prepared from the records of the present year's prosperity. WANTED. Farmers to send in names of acquaintances and relatives in other states, who might be interested in learning about N. Dak. and Stutsman County Copies of the special issue will be mailed to suck addresses. It will help increase the value of your land. By helping others find a home in North Dakota you will be helping yourself. Send in your facts about crop yields and other Booster information, and we will arrange them for publication free of all cost. Address. JAMESTOWN ALERT. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA

Jamestown Weekly Alert, Nov. 4, 1915, p. 1

Amid dispatches from the Great War raging in Europe and ads for upcoming Thanksgiving sales, North Dakotans expressed gratitude for their good fortune. That week, “the gospel of North Dakota” was preached during appreciation church services. (Sample grab: “Lord, thou hast dealt favorable unto the Land.”) Newspapers published booster editions bursting with eye-popping stats on North Dakota’s abundant resources and featuring laudatory poetry. Commercial clubs held meetings and dinners enumerating the state’s opportunities.

First newspaper clipping reads the following. BOOSTERISM NEW RELIGION IN THIS STATE. First Exploitation of Faith Will Inaugurate Appreciation Week. SCHOOLS TO TAKE AN ACTIVE PART. Essays Being Prepared and Programs Planned-Services for Churches. Second newspaper clipping reads the following. Appreciation Week In North Dakota. Reasons for Living in This State Will Be Advertised Far and Wide. MORE FARMERS NEEDED. Send Your Copy of the Leader to a Friend in the East Who May Come Here. We expected to print more letters from farmers this week but the busy season for them is not over and they have not time to give their opinions of the state, but because they are staying and prospering, we know they intend to stick. Read the letters in this issue, and the statistics about the state and then send your copy to a friend in the east. He may become interested and come here to make this his home.

Left: Grand Forks Daily Herald, Nov. 8, 1915, p. 6
Right: Washburn Leader, Nov. 19, 1915, p. 1

I first learned about ND Appreciation Week while doing research for an upcoming State Museum exhibition to mark the nation’s 250th birthday. Among the planned exhibit themes is the many ways over the years that North Dakota has been promoted to outsiders and the wider world. It came as no surprise to read that the booster week was backed by major railroad presidents, who presumably saw an opening to increase customer numbers and land sales along their lines under the guise of fostering “state patriotism.” As the Devils Lake World and Inter-Ocean noted in an editorial, “Convince yourself of her greatness, then tell others. Each of us is a factor in the upbuilding of North Dakota, therefore each must do his or her part.” Or to put it more bluntly, as Valley City’s Weekly-Times Record admonished, “The proper thing for every North Dakotan to do is buck up and boost.”

Fresh off their success at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco (otherwise known as the 1915 World’s Fair), where a display in the North Dakota building showcased an impressive corn tower, Flickertail State leaders were eager to seize the momentum in the push for more settlers and economic development. The impresario directing this stunt was Edgar L. Richter, editor of the Larimore Pioneer and president of the press association, not to mention the brains behind Baked Potato Day at the exposition that year (where Larimore tubers were served to thousands of hungry fairgoers). Richter, an indefatigable champion of the state, had grand plans for North Dakota, including turning Larimore into a “winter resort” for “Fifth Avenue millionaires.”

A man wearing a full suit stands in front of a corn display that says NORTH DAKOTA ENLIGHTNING THE WORLD. STATE OF OPPORTUNITY. Two men and three women stand in the balcony above..

Boasting an elaborate corn tower adorned with slogans such as “North Dakota Enlightening the World” and “State of Opportunity,” the North Dakota building at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco evoked the over-the-top promotional stunts of the era. SHSND SA E0409-00001

Richter’s work paid off, with the appreciation week heralded a universal success. In its aftermath, the Christian Science Monitor asserted that “the commonwealth now feels happier, goes about its business with more confidence, and has more assets in its social treasury.”

But the state’s demand for more people was hardly unproblematic nor without its contradictions.

Five years before, Hanna, then a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, had introduced a bill that became law opening up the sale of “surplus” Fort Berthold Indian Reservation land to non-Indians, a violation of 19th century treaties. Strikingly, as papers in fall 1915 pushed for “more settlers,” their pages frequently highlighted opportunities for potential homesteaders to acquire Fort Berthold and Standing Rock Indian reservation lands, further breaking up Native American holdings in favor of European settlement.

 The first newspaper clipping reads as follows. SIOUX COUNTY Offers exceptional opportunities for the homeseeker looking for good, cheap, fertile land in a new country. NEEDS Over 400 tracts from 160 to 640 acres will be offered for sale at Ft. Yates, next spring on easy terms. MORE Many choice homesteads 160 or 320 acres are subject to entry at $3.50 per acre, one-fifth to be paid at time of filing, and one-fifth annually until final proof is made. Make homestead filings at Ft. Yates. SETTLERS After November 19th the price of homestead land is reduced to $2.50 per acre. If you are interested in this new country keep posted through the SIOUX COUNTY PIONEER. The subscription price is $1.50. The second newspaper clipping reads as follows. THE MUTUAL LAND CO. (INCORPORATED) CLIFFORD BUILDING, GRAND FORKS, N. DAK. Exclusive Dealers in Farm Lands. Improved Farms at Lowest Prices and on Easy Terms in the WONDERFUL RED RIVER VALLEY Where Farmers Grow Rich. We have a farm home for you---write for particulars.

During the booster week, newspapers ran enticing ads meant to lure settlers to North Dakota. Sioux County Pioneer, Nov. 19, 1915, p. 1, Grand Forks Daily Herald, Nov. 18, 1915, p. 3

Though much has changed since those days, North Dakota’s need for people has remained constant, with only 30 available workers for every 100 open jobs. Like historical public relations efforts to proclaim the state’s desirability, current outreach campaigns, such as “Find the Good Life in North Dakota,” focus on the happiness and opportunities to be had here, albeit in more measured tones. Meanwhile, an Office of Legal Immigration was recently created to recruit foreign labor and address workforce challenges, some 90 years after the demise of the first state immigration department. As current boosters seek to enhance North Dakota’s standing on the global stage, they’d do well to steal a page from the playbook of the Grand Forks Daily Herald, which on Nov. 18, 1915, assured readers: “There is no more healthy or desirable dwelling place under the skies.”

State Archives’ Fargo Forum Questionnaires Bring Subjects to Life

This summer, I was hired at the North Dakota State Archives as an intern working on manuscript collections donated by private individuals and organizations. I cataloged and digitized land patents, citizenship certificates, biographies, autobiographies, photographs, and short sketches of men and women from early North Dakota history.

These types of papers contain various elements, which create a comprehensive picture of lives that came and went in very different ways. Yet their stamp on North Dakota history cannot be taken for granted.

One of my favorite collections I worked on included some biographies that were done through the Fargo Forum. Consisting of four pages, these were intended “to obtain accurate knowledge of your life, when news stories justify inclusion of biographical matter pertaining to you.” This biography questionnaire is particularly unique because of the spotlight it shines on participants’ genealogical information.

These questionnaires were meant to inform future North Dakota-related stories. Now they are helping us fill in information about the lives of early North Dakota settlers.

Check out some examples below!

This first form contains information about Michael L. Keeley’s life filled out by his son, Ronald Keely.

black and white image of an older man wearing a white button up shirt, suit jacket, and bowtie

Photo of Michael Keely that appeared with his obituary in the Oct. 31, 1957, Hazen Star.

Michael (Mike) Keeley was born Sept. 24, 1873, in Winnipeg, Canada, to John Keeley and Elizabeth Moran, both originally from Ireland. In 1902, he married Alice Gallagher in Hazen; they had their only son, Ronald Keeley, in 1912. Mike and Elizabeth were pillars in the community, working as ranchers and farmers and later owning and managing a hotel.

Fargo Forum Biography Questionnaire for Michael L. Keeley....Mike Keeley


A few fun elements of note:

  1. Ronald didn’t know his mother’s birthday because “she won’t tell.”

    Name of Wife - Alice Gallagher. His or her birthplace - Emmetsburg, Iowa. date - Not known (she won't tell). Where married - Hazen, North Dakota. Date - Oct. , 1902. Name of mate's father - John Gallagher. His birthplace - Ireland. Name of mate's mother - Katharine McNulty. Her birthplace - Ireland. Names of Your Children - Ronald Keeley. Birthdate - June 16, 1912. Residence and Occupation - Postmaster, Hazen, N. Dak.

    SHSND SA MSS 90033

  2. Mike “gave the land [for] and solicited to build the” St. Martin’s Catholic Church.

    Religious affiliations: Member of the St. Martin's Catholic Church - Hazen. Offices Held: Gave the land and solicited to build the church. Held the office Trustee.

    SHSND SA MSS 90033

  3. Mike talks about the experiences of his mother, Elizabeth Dunlavey Dolan, working as “head cook” for the Northern Pacific Railway in Dickinson and then Medora. He mentions that Theodore Roosevelt and the Marquis de Morès were “frequent visitors” to her table at that time. But that “no one paid much attention to them then.”

    Miscellaneous. Please use the following space for additional information. Would appreciate here chronological data on your business, professional or other service, including various affiliations, other residences, etc. We would appreciate you using this space, and if necessary, additional space, to give us those facts that do not lend themselves to the straight biographical form. If the information is to be added to some of the items mentioned before. place the number of the item in front of the additional information. Mother whose name was Mrs. Elizabeth Dunlavey at the time was head cook for the N.P. Ry first at Pleasant Valley which is now known as Dickinson. and then at Little Missouri which is now known as Medora. Medora or Little Missouri was then but a tent town for the building of the bridge across the Little Missouri. Marquis de Mores and Teddy Roosevelt were frequent visitors to her N.P.Ry dinning table. Soldiers were then stationed about 1/2 mile from the Railway Bridge to protect the Railway from the indians. Roosevelt was generally referred to at that time as a dude because of his Eastern manner and speach. de mores was mentioned among the men as a rich Frenshman talking about starting a packing plant. No one paid much attention to them then. It was rumored authoritively that when a Mr. Paddock killed section form an Livingston that Marquis de Mores was present at Paddock's ranch where the incident took place. Buffalo hides and meat at that time were piled along the track like cord wood the hides being worth at that time about $2.50 a piece. Buffalo hunters were hired for $50. a month for which they were required to kill and skin 16 buffalo a day. Me and my bother Tom Keeley, and my mother whose name was then Mrs. Elizabeth Dunlavey Dolan came to Mercer County in 1884 and settled four miles East of the present city of Hazen. After North Dakota became a state I homesteaded here at Hazen and the present City of Hazen built on my pasture. I can also speak Indian and German language.

    SHSND SA MSS 90033

This second questionnaire contains information about William Oscar Ward’s life filled out by his daughter, Belle (Ward) Shute.

portrait of a man with a beard and mustache who is wearing a button up shirt, vest, and jacket.

William Oscar Ward. SHSND SA 2016-P-043

William Oscar Ward was born May 3, 1839, in Erie, Pennsylvania, to Jeremiah Ward and Emma Jeannette Loomis, both originally from the East Coast. He married Florence Jane Manley in 1869 and had seven children with her. A self-educated man, William fought in the Civil War and then worked as a rancher, farmer, and dairyman for most of his life.

Fargo Forum Biography Questionnaire for William Oscar Ward


Some of his more interesting responses include the following:

  1. Asked “Where were you as a child?”, William noted: “In the woods of Northwest Pa.”

    Where were you as a child? In the woods of Northwest Pa.

    SHSND SA MSS 90062

  2. William’s Civil War military record includes participation in Sherman’s March to Sea and the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg.

    Military record: All of Civil War -- 4th Minn. Volunteers, 2 Reg U.S.V. Place - Albert Lea, Minn. Regiment - 4th Minn. Voluno. Battles - Shermans March to Sea, Gettysburg, Vicksburg

    SHSND SA MSS 90062

  3. A letter from his daughter Belle regarding Jennette, his oldest daughter, notes that she and another girl were “the first students ever graduated from the Bismarck High School.”

    Penney Farms, Fla. Sept. 4, 1851. Mr. Roy P. Johnson, Staff Writer of Fargo Forum. Dear Sir, Your letter of Aug 28 has been received. I hasten to provide the missing information you ask for. Jennette Ward was the eldest child of S Oscar Ward. She was born in 1869, Sept. 8. She and one other girl, were the first students ever graduated from the Bismarck High School. She taught school in Mont. and Wyo. with excellent results. Later she married a ranchman. Her eldest son held, at one time,, the world's record for altitude in the U.S. Air Force, Stephen Callaway. The photograph has arrived. Thanks. Sincerely, Mrs. A Lincoln Shute

    SHSND SA MSS 90062

  4. William’s daughter listed “purposeful occupation, honesty, and justice” as his hobbies.
  5. Other interests included “community advancement, a city parking system, and a Protestant cemetery for the city.”

    Hobbies - purposeful occupation, Honesty and Justice. Recreation - hunting wild game. Other interests - community advancement, a city parking system, a protestant cemetery for the city.

    SHSND SA MSS 90062

It has been a joy to explore early North Dakota through the lives and stories people from the past took the time to write down for themselves or future generations. This aspect of history continues to intrigue me and pull me further into the world of archives. A big thanks to Manuscript Archivist Emily Kubischta and the rest of the State Archives and reference team for giving me space to learn and experience the personal side of history through these collections.